Covid-19 timeline


September 2nd, 1915 – The Eugenics Society at Cold Springs Harbor announces a plan to sterilize 15,000,000 Americans financed by Mrs. E. H. Harriman with “liberal financial assistance from John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie[xi] Other participants include Dr. W. M. Welch of Johns Hopkins and Dr. L. F. Barker of Johns Hopkins who was also president of the National Commission on Hygiene.  John Hopkins will feature prominently in the scam of “The Covid” both participating in Event 201, a table-top planning exercise for a “future coronavirus pandemic” held on October 18th, 2019, two months before the first Covid case is alleged to exist and tracking the official alleged case and death numbers through their Covid 19 Dashboard[xii].  They also participate in the tabletop exercises Dark Winter simulating a biological attack three months before the Anthrax attacks of 2001 and the Nuclear Threat Initiatives’ tabletop exercise that theorizes a future Monkeypox outbreak the exact week an alleged Monkeypox outbreak is announced in the US.

Covid-19 timeline


Covid-19 timeline


Introduction to the Covid-19 Scam Timeline
Covid-19 timeline

Introduction to the Covid-19 Scam Timeline

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