Covid-19 timeline

Introduction to the Covid-19 Scam Timeline

How an intergenerational, eugenics-centered organized crime system uses engineered “pandemics” and vaccines to rob, sterilize, debilitate and murder populations

With an estimated 20 million dead globally and 2.2 billion injured by Covid “vaccines”, a number significantly greater than those supposedly killed by Covid 19, perhaps it is time to re-evaluate “The Covid” as part of an on-going eugenics and debilitation program on the population using vaccines including vaccines distributed by the World Health Organization in foreign countries that have been secretly manufactured with abortifacients and sterilization chemicals in them.[i] 

Understanding the Creepy Pseudoscience and Religion Behind Eugenics

For those unfamiliar with eugenics, it is a pseudoscience whose thesis is that it is possible to improve the “breeding stock” of humanity (positive eugenics) by ensuring that, for example, the Nazi ideal of pure-blood Aryan Germans breeding with other pure-blood Aryan Germans will create blond-hair, blue-eyed “Übermensch” or “Supermen”.  

The darker side is called negative eugenics: the poisonous idea that society can be improved by sterilizing, aborting, euthanizing or even murdering those deemed unfit or “useless eaters”. 

Over 60,000 people are forcefully sterilized in the United States in the 20th century. In total, 32 U.S. states passed sterilization laws between 1907 and 1937, and surgeries reached their highest numbers in the late 1930s and early 1940s.  One study from North Carolina found that black women were sterilized at three times the rate of white women and more than 12 times the rate of white men. Sterilization policies continued into the 21st century where between 1997 and 2010, unwanted sterilizations were performed on approximately 1,400 women in California prisons as one example. [ii]

While that sounds like insanity to most people of good will today, it was quite the fashionable idea in the early 20th century when it was openly supported by the leading “robber barons” (crony capitalists who used government to enrich themselves) and industrialists of the time.  Mrs. E. H. Harriman (Railroads), along with Mrs. H. B. DuPont (dynamite and gun powder) and Dr. J. Harvey Kellogg (inventor of Corn Flakes) sponsored the Third International Eugenics Congress in New York in 1932. John D. Rockefeller (Standard Oil) founded the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Germany and John D. Rockefeller III founded the Population Council. Andrew Carnegie (US Steel) founded the Eugenics Record Office at Cold Springs Harbor.  Clarence J. Gamble (Procter & Gamble) was a leader in Margaret Sanger’s Birth Control Federation, he suggested that they set up a “Negro Project,” using black clergy and physicians to promote birth control where Sanger replied that “We do not want Word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population”.[iii] He founded the Pathfinder Fund, to promote population control around the world. Henry Ford (Ford Motor Company) set up the Ford Foundation which has supported population policy for decades. J.P. Morgan (Banking), Mary Duke Biddle (Tobacco), The Dodge Brothers (Copper), E.B Scripps (United Press) and Margret Sanger (3-in-1 oil) were all members of the American Eugenics Society.  Many of the largest fortunes the world has ever seen were left to foundations that continue the work of eugenics today.

While eugenics went underground after the crimes and horrors of Nazi Germany became apparent, it was largely renamed population control, bioethics, or other harmless sounding monikers.  Eugenics Quarterly was renamed Social Biology and continued on without missing a beat.

Many of today’s best-known “robber-barons” and crony-capitalists, including many who have played prominent roles in the scam of “The Covid” including supporting and promoting lockdowns, mask mandates, and mandatory vaccinations are known eugenicists and/or supporters of eugenics or population reduction policies to the tune of billions of dollars: Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, George Soros, Peter Ackman, and Ted Turner who famously said that “A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal,” are examples whose support for and funding of eugenics and/or population reduction we break down in our companion article: The Covid 19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction

This article and timeline make the case that Covid -19 and now Monkeypox is the continuation of a century-long eugenics and debilitation campaign being waged on the population by an intergenerational criminal cartel that is simultaneously using the scam of “government” to rob and control populations.

Part of that robbing and controlling has been an on-going program of controlling the “Science” coming out of cartel-controlled universities, research hospitals and US and other governmental, UN and NGO “health” agencies operating under the well-understood dynamic of regulatory capture. 

Regulatory capture is where government agencies involved in testing, regulatory approval, acquisition or stockpiling are “captured” by the companies they are supposed to regulate using bribes, pay-offs, patent/royalty sharing or a revolving door where government bureaucrats leave government “service” to take multi-million-dollar jobs with the companies they formerly regulated. The practice is best exemplified by former CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding who left the agency to run the vaccine division of Merck after, among other suspected quid pro quo, her agency covered up evidence of harm by Merck’s MMR vaccine outlined by agency whistleblower Dr. William Thompson in the award-winning documentary: Vaxxed[iv]

Regulatory capture allows pharmaceutical companies and politically connected insiders to make hundreds of billions of dollars at the expense of taxpayers in a variety of ways:

·       The attribution of a seasonal detox “the flu” that hits smokers, drinkers, fast-food eaters, pharmaceutical and vaccine-takers and others carrying high toxic loads to a “virus” called influenza that can only be seen by a small few with scanning electron microscopes and multi-million-dollar research budgets that must be combated through billions of dollars of “vaccines”[v]

·       The attribution of environmental poisoning from lead arsenate and DDT pesticides to a “virus” called polio that was wiped out once the toxic pesticides were phased out but now requires billions of dollars in mandatory “vaccines”

·       The approval, licensure or recommendation of drugs such as Tamiflu, Remdesivir, Jynneos and others that are officially recommended by “government” agencies and paid for by taxpayer monies.  Many of these drugs are stockpiled by the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) until they expire and then stockpiled again.

·       The assignment of certain vaccines to the childhood immunization schedule which results in windfall profits estimated at over 1 billion per vaccine. 

·       Governmental purchases of “vaccines” for “The Covid” that are then forced on global populations through regulation and company policies of firms connected to the World Economic Forum who appear to be operating as a Cartel.

Covid-19 timeline


Covid-19 timeline


Covid-19 timeline


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